From: SIMPSON David
Sent: 22 October 2022 12:26
Subject: IBRSC – Working Party – Saturday From 09:30 and Sunday From 09:30

Next weekend is the Autumn Working Party, please see details below.

There is much to do, so support is needed on both Saturday and Sunday from 09:30 please. A number of the tasks are very close to the water or on the water, so please come prepared. The weather looks as though it will be mild, but with a risk of rain.

Apart from the usual tools (drills, saws, hammers, screwdrivers etc), gardening equipment (cutters, loppers, spades, forks etc) and PPE (gloves, goggles, ear defenders etc), the major tools required are:

•                     Angle grinder for cutting up scaffolding poles (in addition to the club’s)

•                     Circular saw for cutting wooden beams for the ramp

•                     Reciprocating saws for cutting up boats (several would be useful)

•                     Hammer drill with masonry bits (up to 16mm) to fit anchor bolts for ramp

Can anyone provide please?

The club has a mains generator (weather permitting its use).

Saturday from 09:30

The biggest task is to start work on the ramps. The end goal is for three ramps each side with grating panels, rather than wooden surfaces – see attached diagram; additional pontoons are also planned.

The task for next weekend is to move East #3 further east and make double sided (2-day task) – Led by Jeff Davison

Future activities:

·         Build new ramp just beyond current West #4 and dismantle old West #4

·         Move West #2 to just before current West #3 and dismantle old West #3

·         Move West #1 to the west and make double-sided

·         Replace East #1, building it further to the east, and make double-sided

The plan is for the club to dismantle the old ramps; the building of the new ramps could be by the club or we get a contractor in.

Other Saturday tasks:

·         Add addition float to T-pontoon (Saturday from 10:30, plus Sunday if required) – Led by Alexis

·         Rebuild the ‘Beast’ (Scaffolding derrick on top of two Whalys), ideally on Saturday, to enable recovery of safety boat moorings on Sunday – ?

Sunday from 09:30


·         Recover and re-lay the northern three moorings of the ‘double-diamond’ on Sunday, to enable mooring #2 to be used – Led by Jeff

·         Add swivel-joints to all seven ‘double-diamond’ moorings – ?

·         Repair club boats – Led by boat maintenance team

·         Chop up old boats and put in skip – ?

·         Repair/Rebuild old Topper rack – Led by Mike Barrett

·         Take some safety boats off the water for the winter – Led by Alexis

·         Separate re-usable scaffolding poles from rusty rubbish following previous ramp-moving activities (by East #3 ramp) – ?

·         Clear up sail shed – ?

·         Tidy-up wood store – rubbish to bonfire – ?


·         Repair lower door locking bar – ?

·         Tidy-up the under-clubhouse store – Led by Uta (TBC)

o   Move appropriate items to new sailing workshop

·         Jet-wash the changing room mats (jet-washing outside) – ?

Any volunteers to led some of these tasks please?

